Tutorial #008: Retrieving folders and documents from the Bloomreach repository

Let's talk about retrieving folders and documents from the Bloomreach repository using the XIN mods extensions. 

Please download the Recipes package at the link below:

The additional test code discussed in the video is as follows:


									it("should list some recipes", async () => {
									    const conn = xinmods.connectTo("http://localhost:8080", "admin", "admin");
									    const {folders} = await conn.listDocuments("/content/documents/recipes");
									    for (const category of folders) {
									        const {documents: recipes} = await conn.listDocuments(category.path);
									        const titles = recipes.map((recipe) => recipe.document.items.title);
									        console.log("Category: ", category.label);
									        console.log("Recipes: ", titles);

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