Received some new goodies - VZ300
in Blog,
by Marnix
last published on 26 September 2021

I recently purchased something "new" from the interwebs. Something that would go nicely with the rest of my collection. It is -- drumroll please -- a VZ300!
Some of the specs are as follows:
- It was released in 1985;
- Has a Z80 processor;
- Allows for extended memory (like mine has);
- Runs Microsoft Basic;
- Motorola 6807 Video Chip.
More cool information about this model can be found here and here as well.
Here are some pictures:
Sure, it doesn't do much, but I wonder how I could get some programmes loaded onto it, maybe do something in Z80 assembler. I was thinking about getting one of those cassette tape.
The previous owner informed me he had used the machine to determine the chance a logging truck would collide with a schoolbus in a region of New Zealand. Turns out, that his prediction came true, thankfully there were no casualties.